This blog is a place to talk about everything graphic design.

I have always loved looking at other peoples work simply because when I am not doing something for myself or others I enjoy seeing what other people come up with. I browse a lot of pieces daily just looking to see what people do differently in their work. I visit these types of websites to get a little inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward. I know it’s hard to come up with new fresh designs everyday in this tech world that we live in.  I say never be afraid of doing something crazy or something that you think is not right because those are best ideas that you will have.

It doesn’t matter if you made 30 different designs and only one of them was great because a master piece takes time along with trial and error. If you don’t believe me take what Thomas A. Edison said “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Don’t kill yourself for not having the best design at first so just keep at it. In the end of it all your work will be amazing not only to you but everyone around you.

Anyway to get to the point of making this post I wanted to share a website I go to every once and a while to see what’s new with logo design. A logo can be a hard thing to make because there is so much that goes into it that anyone can get stuck in the storming phase. So in this case it’s always good to take a brake and check out other logos that others had made and see how they did it and their type of style. Try to incorporate what you think fits or is best for your project. Please remember don’t steel other peoples work instead take an idea and work with and after a while that idea would change into something that is yours and different. Drum rolls please … the website I check out is called Logopond a place where anyone can upload their work for everyone to see and comment on. I hope you guys out there like this place as much as I do and tell your friends about it.

Logopond Link




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